The SimTrade Certificate: Freedom to learn

The SimTrade Certificate: Freedom to learn


Prof François Longin

In this post I share with you the pedagogical philosophy of SimTrade: freedom to learn.

Freedom to learn

In the SimTrade Certificate, participants have freedom to learn the way they would like. Contrary to traditional courses in the classroom, there is no specific time and no specific space to learn in SimTrade. In other words, the SimTrade Certificate offers a full ATAWADAC experience:

  • Any Time (AT): you can work on the SimTrade certificate whenever you like. The market simulation platform is especially available 24/7.
  • AnyWhere (AW): you can access the SimTrade application wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Any Device (AD): the SimTrade application is compatible with Mac or PC and every size of screen ranging from X large trader screen to tiny mobile phone.
  • Any Content (AC): the SimTrade Certificate offers well-established content including on-line courses, market simulations and simtrading contests. Through case studies and discussions, it also provides interactive user-generated content.

From the beginning of certificate (and each period), you already know all the work to do: courses, simulations, contests, case studies and exams. You also know the deadline for the work to do. In addition, you also know the dates of the webinars (one at the beginning of each period and another at the end of each period).

Freedom to learn Work to do


Responsibility is the flip side of freedom. Note that it may be more difficult for some of you to navigate in the SimTrade world of pedagogical freedom. The constraints of the pedagogical framework are indeed very loose (you have one month to do all the work) but you have to organize yourself to achieve the objectives. Note that this is a pedagogical experience where, by construction, it is not possible to work at the last minute.

The time to spend on-line on Period 1 (courses, simulations, contest, case study and exam) is estimated to 8 hours.

Remember that beyond the courses, simulations, contests, case studies and exams, this course has nothing to offer but hard work. The return on this course only depends on your personal investment.

A few tips to succeed in the SimTrade Certificate:

  • Work regularly!
  • Study in small groups to progress quicker
  • Navigate between the different elements – courses, simulations, contest and case study – to get a global view by combining theory and practice
  • Use the discussion forum to share your questions/problems and get some help from the community.

On the SimTrade application, participants have the tools to monitor their progress in the Certificate.

In the “My progress” page, you can access your grade in real time and follow the evolution of your Bloom profile.

Freedom to learn Certificate grade and Bloom profile

In the “My path” page, you can access your working history in the Certificate.

Freedom to learn The My path page
Freedom to learn The My path page
Freedom to learn The My path page

I count on your responsibility and your intelligence to maximize your investment in the SimTrade Certificate.

Pedagogical algorithm

The SimTrade Certificate is run by an algorithm. The algorithm organizes everything from the apparition of content over time (each period and within each period) to the sending of the grades to your institution.