December 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about cryptos

December 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about cryptos

As the Bitcoin price was over $100,000, I have selected very interesting posts about a very interesting topic: cryptos.

Most Read Posts

Please find below the most read posts from the SimTrade blog about cryptos:

▶ Snehasish CHINARA Bitcoin: the mother of all cryptocurrencies

▶ Snehasish CHINARA Litecoin: Analysis of the Pioneering Cryptocurrency’s Impact on Digital Finance

▶ Snehasish CHINARA How to get crypto data

Hugo MEYER The regulation of cryptocurrencies: what are we talking about?

▶ Alexandre VERLET Cryptocurrencies

SimTrade choice

Have a look on the post below!

▶ Nithisha CHALLA FactSet

Sharing my experience during the SimTrade course

Sharing my experience during the SimTrade course


In this article, Lara HADDAD (ESSEC Business School, Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), 2020-2024) shares her experience experience with the SimTrade course at ESSEC and how it significantly enhanced her understanding of financial markets, particularly in relation to her internships and career aspirations in finance.

About the SimTrade course

SimTrade is a simulated trading platform that provides a realistic and engaging learning environment for students to explore the complexities of financial markets. It allows participants to develop and test trading strategies, manage portfolios, and analyze market data. The platform covers various asset classes, including equities, bonds, and derivatives, offering a comprehensive overview of financial instruments and trading mechanics. The module is well divided, and we get the chance to explore all the aspects of financial markets with a realistic simulator.

My SimTrade Experience

The SimTrade course provided a practical and hands-on approach to learning about financial markets. I actively participated in simulated trading sessions, managing a virtual portfolio and making investment decisions based on market analysis and research.

The platform’s real-time data and interactive features allowed me to experience the dynamics of market fluctuations and the impact of various economic factors on asset prices. This immersive experience significantly deepened my understanding of financial concepts and strengthened my analytical skills.

I also learned a lot about the impact of real-world events on the price and the health of the market. For instance, in a requested case study, I was able to understand and analyze one of the most dramatic real-time impacts which was seen in the oil markets. In April 2020, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures turned negative for the first time in history. This is because the covid 19 pandemic resulted in the collapse of oil demand as global economic activity stalled.

Crude oil price change
Crude oil price change
Source: the website.

In addition to that, the course allowed me to apply theoretical concepts in a practical setting, deepening my understanding of how economic factors, corporate performance, and investor psychology interact to shape asset prices. This immersive learning experience sparked my curiosity and solidified my interest in pursuing a career in finance, as I realized the power of financial decision-making not just in simulations, but in real-world applications as well.

I now defined the next steps in my career. I am now applying for a master in Finance to enforce my knowledge in the finance world and different aspects of the industry.

Connecting SimTrade to Real-World Finance

The knowledge and skills I gained through SimTrade proved invaluable during my internships. At L’Oréal, I utilized the principles of financial modeling and market analysis learned in SimTrade to analyze market trends and contribute to financial simulations. At Do well do good, the concepts of portfolio diversification and risk management helped me assess the financial feasibility of different startup projects. At SmartStream Technologies, the understanding of trading mechanics and market dynamics gained through SimTrade enhanced my ability to develop and implement sales and marketing strategies for their fintech products.

Three Key Financial Concepts from SimTrade

Portfolio Diversification

SimTrade emphasized the importance of diversifying investments across different asset classes to mitigate risk and optimize returns. This concept proved crucial in my real-world financial analyses.

Technical Analysis

The platform introduced me to various technical indicators and charting techniques used to analyze market trends and predict price movements. This knowledge enhanced my ability to interpret market data and make informed investment decisions.

Fundamental Analysis

SimTrade highlighted the importance of evaluating a company’s financial performance and intrinsic value through fundamental analysis. This skill proved essential in assessing the financial health of companies during my internships.

This SimTrade experience significantly strengthened my financial acumen and provided a solid foundation for my career aspirations in finance. The practical skills and knowledge gained through the platform have been instrumental in my internships and will continue to be valuable assets as I progress in my career.

Useful Resources

SimTrade website

SimTrade courses

SimTrade simulations

Crude oil price change

About the author

The article was written in December 2024 by Lara HADDAD (ESSEC Business School, Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), 2020-2024).

Enhancing Financial Market Learning: The ‘Pair & Share’ Pedagogical Approach

Enhancing Financial Market Learning: The ‘Pair & Share’ Pedagogical Approach

 François LONGIN

In this article, Professor François LONGIN (ESSEC Business School, Finance Department) explains how enhance financial market learning with the ‘Pair & Share’ pedagogical approach.

The SimTrade course

The SimTrade course, offered at ESSEC Business School, is an innovative program designed to provide students with a hands-on understanding of financial markets. At its core, SimTrade combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, allowing participants to engage in realistic market simulations. Students can experiment with trading strategies, analyze market reactions, and make decisions in a controlled environment, fostering a deeper comprehension of market dynamics and investor behavior.

The course is grounded in the belief that experiential learning is essential for mastering the complexities of finance. By bridging theory and practice, SimTrade empowers students to navigate the fast-paced world of financial markets with confidence and competence.

The ‘Pair & Share’ pedagogical approach

I describe below the “Pair & Share” pedagogical approach that I discovered during the Glocoll program at Harvard Business School. The “Pair & Share” sequence is organized in three steps:

Step 1: Think Individually

I ask participants to consider the question: “What are three key points about financial markets?” for one minute.

Step 2: Pair & Share

I ask participants to exchange their ideas in groups of two. Participant A explains to Participant B what he/she thinks is important about financial markets, and vice versa. I also informed them that in the next step, I will ask the question : What have you learned from your partner?

Step 3: Group Feedback

Insights are shared with the class, summarized into a mind map.

You will find below the mind about financial markets from the students in the course that I teach at ESSEC Business school (Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master in Finance (MiF), and Master in Strategy and Management of International Business (SMIB)).

Please click on the image below to download the mind map of the Pair & Share exercise on financial markets.

Download the mind map of the Pair & Share session

To open the file of the mind map download Xmind that I used during the webinar (there is a free version of the software).

Feel free to improve the mind map with your own ideas.

Methodology of the "Pair & Share" exercise

Please find below a few slides about the "Pair & Share" exercise (methodology and advantages).

Download the presentation of the Pair Share exercise

Related posts on the SimTrade blog

   ▶ Prof. François LONGIN Sur les traces de Wilhelm von Humboldt

Useful resources

SimTrade Demo certificate

SimTrade Courses

SimTrade Simulations

Harvard Business School Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning

About the author

The article was written in December 2024 by Professor François LONGIN (ESSEC Business School, Finance Department).

November 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about Professional Experiences

November 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about Professional Experiences

I have selected very interesting posts about a very interesting topic: professional experiences from alumni of the SimTrade course.

Most Read Posts

Please find below the most read posts from the SimTrade blog about professional experiences:

Learn about the professional experience of a management controller at CarFuel. A practical insight into the role and its challenges in the field of financial management!

▶ Medine ACAR Mon expérience professionnelle en tant que contrôleuse de gestion chez Carfuel

Explore the professional experience of a credit analyst at Targobank. Gain a better understanding of the role and its responsibilities in the banking sector!

▶ Matthieu MENAGER My professional experience as a credit analyst at Targobank

Discover the professional experience of a quantitative analyst intern at FinDoc Financial Services.

▶ Praduman AGRAWAL My Professional Experience as a Quantitative Analyst Intern at Findoc Financial Services

Learn about the professional experience of a Global Development and Learning Intern at Danone. Get insights into the key responsibilities and skills needed for this role in a global company!

Jayna MELWANI My Professional Experience as a Quantitative Analyst Intern at Findoc Financial Services

Explore the professional experience of an Associate Auditor at PwC’s Digital Data Hub. Discover the role’s key tasks and the skills required in a leading auditing firm!

▶ Federico MARTINETTO My professional experience as a PwC Associate Auditor in the Digital Data Hub

Professional experiences are invaluable for understanding the practical applications of finance theory and gaining insights into the industry. By learning from others, you can anticipate challenges, discover new job opportunities, refine your career strategy. The November 2024 top posts on the SimTrade blog are designed to inspire and guide you on your professional journey. Do not hesitate to contact the contributors to ask them questions about their internship and get their contacts in the firms they work for.

SimTrade choice

Have a look on the post below!

Learn about the internship experience of a Structured Finance Analyst at Société Générale. Discover the tasks and skills involved in this dynamic role in corporate finance!

▶ Mickael RUFFIN My Internship Experience as a Structured Finance Analyst at Société Générale

October 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about Financial Indexes

October 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog about Financial Indexes

I have selected very interesting posts about a very interesting topic: financial indexes. Financial indexes measure the evolution of a market. There are also crucial for ETFs (exchange trade funds) which are more and more popular investments among individual investors.

Most Read Posts

Please find below the most read posts from the SimTrade blog.

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA Financial indexes

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA Calculation of financial indexes

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA The business of financial indexes

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA The S&P 500 index

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA The CSI 300 index

SimTrade choice

Have a look on the post below!

   ▶ Youssef LOURAOUI Smart Beta strategies: between active and passive allocation

September 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog

September 2024: Top Posts of the SimTrade Blog

Most Read Posts

Please find below the top 3 read posts from the SimTrade blog:

   ▶ Federico DE ROSSI Understanding the Order Book: How It Impacts Trading

   ▶ Youssef LOURAOUI Fama-MacBeth two-step regression method

   ▶ Jayati WALIA Brownian Motion in Finance

SimTrade choice

Have a look on the post below!

   ▶ Nithisha CHALLA Top financial innovations in the 21st century

Bonne année 2016 !

Tous nos meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2016!

En 2015, les marchés financiers nous ont appris que la volatilité était une variable permanente de notre environnement. Savoir gérer les risques que ce soit à court terme au niveau du trading et à long terme au niveau de l’investissement, devrait toujours être la priorité de tout intervenant sur les marchés.

Que SimTrade, avec ses formations et ses simulation de marchés et d’entreprises, vous aide à mieux gérer vos risques dans cette année 2016 qui, sans aucun doute, s’annonce très volatile !

Sur les traces de Wilhelm von Humboldt


Wilhelm von Humboldt et ses idées pour l’éducation

Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), philosophe, linguiste et diplomate prussien, a contribué à la théorie et à la pratique de l’éducation et fut le fondateur de l’Université de Berlin. Pourquoi parler de Humboldt sur le blog SimTrade ? SimTrade, en tant qu’outil pédagogique, est dans la lignée des idées développées par Humboldt.

Wilhelm von Humboldt (photo de Paul Otto)

Commençons par rappeler que Wilhelm von Humboldt avait une approche libérale du rôle de l’Etat dans la société. Il pensait en effet que le domaine d’intervention de l’État devait être limité à la protection des citoyens à l’intérieur du pays et à la défense des frontières contre les attaques extérieures (voir son travail « «Essai sur les limites de l’action de l’État», un extraordinaire essai selon Friedrich Hayek…). Dans le domaine de l’éducation, Humboldt pensait que l’Etat ne devait pas intervenir (cela produirait de l’uniformisation), et il prônait la liberté du savoir, la diversité des expériences et l’autonomie du corps enseignant (au niveau universitaire). Apprendre par soi-même, liberté d’apprendre et d’enseigner, liberté de faire de la recherche, telles étaient les idées fortes avancées par Humboldt.

Aujourd’hui, selon François Taddei (2014), « la vision de Wilhelm von Humboldt est en train de se réaliser grâce à Internet. Le Web permet en effet d’apprendre librement et de produire des contenus pour que d’autres puissent apprendre. Vous êtes de facto libres de transmettre ce que vous voulez et d’utiliser les données disponibles pour faire vous-même de la recherche. »

L’approche de SimTrade

SimTrade est un outil pédagogique accessible sur internet. C’est un lieu virtuel qui permet d’apprendre et d’enseigner en toute liberté. La liberté est au centre du projet SimTrade dont la mission est de « former des individus pour agir librement sur les marchés financiers ». Au travers des formations, des simulations et des concours, le SimTrader peut se construire son propre parcours pédagogique sur les trois dimensions du savoir, du savoir-faire et du faire-savoir. Le contenu de SimTrade est accessible à tous et chacun peut aussi proposer du contenu sur SimTrade.

SimTrade est aussi un laboratoire de recherche expérimentale. Chaque simulation, exercice pratique du marché, est aussi une expérience de recherche pour mieux comprendre le comportement des individus et le fonctionnement des marchés.

SimTrade allie ainsi pédagogie et recherche.

Sources et références :

Encyclopédie de l’Agora : article sur Wilhelm von Humboldt

Wilhelm von Humboldt (1792) « Essai sur les limites de l’action de l’État ».

François Taddei (2014) « Former par la recherche, Innover pour la formation », Imagination week, ESSEC Business School.

Bonne année 2015 !

L’équipe SimTrade vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et surtout une bonne année 2015 !

Notre vœu pour cette nouvelle année à tous les SimTraders : optimiser votre performance tout en contrôlant votre risque et en maîtrisant la liquidité de votre position. Tout un programme !

Bonne année 2014 !

L’équipe SimTrade vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et surtout une bonne année 2014 !

Trois vœux pour cette nouvelle année :

  • Analyser l’actualité pour prendre de bonnes décisions de trading
  • Savoir saisir les opportunités de marché
  • Maîtriser les risques de ses positions

Présentation de SimTrade à la Junior Entreprise de l'Ecole des Ponts


La Junior Entreprise de l’Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées – Ponts Etudes Projets – fêtait ses 35 ans ! L’équipe dirigeante de PEP m’a fait l’honneur de m’inviter à parler devant une cinquantaine d’étudiants des métiers du trading et à présenter le projet SimTrade.

Avec SimTrade, j’ai pu notamment illustrer l’activité de market making.

Nouvelle version de SimTrade : une nouvelle histoire !


Quel plaisir de vous annoncer la nouvelle version de SimTrade !

Cette nouvelle version, c’est une nouvelle histoire. Une histoire qui s’écrit en trois mots :

Apprendre : des cours en ligne pour apprendre la finance de marchés et la finance d’entreprises.

Pratiquer : des simulations pour mettre en pratique ce que vous avez appris.

Participer : des concours pour confronter votre savoir et votre savoir-faire aux autres traders.

Bonne année 2013 !

L’équipe SimTrade vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et surtout une bonne année 2013 !

Pour cette nouvelle année, nous vous préparons un festival de simulations : nouveaux types de simulations, scénarios sur de nouvelles entreprises, nouvelles fonctionnalités sur la plate-forme de trading, nouveaux concours…

ACE Finance & Conseil devient partenaire de SimTrade

L’entreprise ACE Finance & Conseil devient partenaire du projet SimTrade en sponsorisant le premier concours de trading en ligne.

ACE Finance & Conseil

L’entreprise ACE Finance & Conseil propose du conseil en investissements financiers et gestion de patrimoine. Son activité comprend à la fois l’organisation patrimoniale et l’allocation d’actifs (financiers et immobiliers). Les clients de ACE Finance & Conseil sont des entreprises et des particuliers.

ACE Finance & Conseil est dirigée par Gabriel Eschbach qui poursuit une carrière dans la finance depuis une trentaine d’années. Fort de son expérience dans des institutions financières internationales, il apporte la vision des professionnels de la finance auprès des entreprises et des particuliers pour leurs affaires personnelles.

Concours de SimTrading

ACE Finance & Conseil sponsorise le premier concours de SimTrading qui se déroulera à l’automne 2012.

Le concours de SimTrading reposera sur des simulations élaborées par ACE Finance & Conseil. Le thème de ces simulations portera sur le blé qui est un élément de préoccupation essentiel de toute la population mondiale. Ces simulations mettront en scène l’entreprise Blé de France (code BDF) qui est l’un des principaux acteurs du secteur alimentaire français.

D’un point de vue didactique, ces simulations vous permettront d’apprendre à traiter l’information de manière pertinente, ce qui est une qualité indispensable pour prendre de bonnes décisions en gestion de patrimoine.

Nous reviendrons sur ce sujet très prochainement.