Warren Buffet and his basket of eggs

Warren Buffet and his basket of eggs


In this article, Rayan AKKAWI (ESSEC Business School, Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), 2021-2022) analyzes the two following quotes “Do not put all eggs in one basket” and “Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket” often used by Warren Buffet to describe his investment strategy.

“Do not put all eggs in one basket”

I particularly liked this quote first because it is said by the world’s greatest investor and one of the richest people on the planet, Warren Buffet. I aspire this man due to his great investment philosophy which is to invest in great businesses at value for money prices and then by using the “buy and hold strategy” keep the stocks over the long term. He has bought great brands such as Coca Cola, Microsoft, and American Express. Second, I like this quote particularly because it is dedicated to any person who has little or no knowledge in investment, so it is easy to implement.


If we analyze the wealthiest people in the world, they are entrepreneurs who have created companies that grew exponentially in value. For example, Bill gates who is the founder of Microsoft (1975), Jeff Bezos who is the founder of Amazon (1994), and Mark Zuckerberg who is the founder of Facebook (2004). And as we continue to analyze these founders, we come to realize that they have made their wealth by putting all their eggs in one basket at least early in their lives. However, not all of us have this entrepreneurial spirit and business success such as these brilliant men. Thus, when Warren Buffet said “do not put all eggs in one basket” he was referring to an average person who has little knowledge in investments. Therefore, he advocates investment into index tracker or passive funds which have the benefit of low charges, better performance, and large diversification than most active managed funds. This involves a buy and hold strategy which keeps share dealing charges low. Thus, it is always recommended to have 80% of investments in passive funds which are low cost, predictable, and conservative funds and 20% of investments in satellite which usually involve higher charges with greater volatility and greater returns.

Another way of looking at it is the following. One might decide to invest a certain number of personal wealth in a new business or in crypto. This would be a risky type of investment because another competitor might release a better and more attractive or even more affordable version of the product or service. Eventually, this might put you out of business if a customer writes a bad review of your product or business or if the bitcoin value drops.

So before you invest more time and money in your business, consider how you can manage your risk. First, you must think about your risk tolerance which depends on your age and current financial obligations. Second, you need to keep sufficient liquidity in your portfolio by setting aside an emergency fund that should be equal to 6 to 8 months’ expenses. For ensuring that there is easy accessibility to emergency funds, you should have low-risk investment options like Liquid Funds and Overnight Funds in your accounts. Then you need to determine an asset allocation strategy that works which refers to investing in more than one asset class for reducing the investment risks and this strategy also provides you with optimal returns. You can invest in a perfect mix of key asset classes like Equity, Debt, Mutual Funds, real estate, etc. One of the asset allocation strategies is to invest in a combination of asset classes that are inversely correlated to each other. After you have found the best mix of asset classes for your portfolio, you can reduce the overall investment risk by diversifying your investment in the same asset class. Think about diversifying by offering more than one product or service. To avoid liquidity risk, it is always better to stay invested in blue chip stock or fund. Investors should check the credit rating of debt securities to avoid default risk.

“Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket”

At the same time, Warren Buffet believes that diversification makes little sense if a person doesn’t know exactly what he or she is doing. Diversification is a protection against ignorance and is for people who do not know how to analyze businesses. Sometimes it is enough to invest in two or three companies that are resistant to competition rather than fifty average companies due to less risk. That is why it is as critical for a person to invest in a company where its values and vision are similar to that of the investor and to be able to watch closely the performance of that business and its stocks.

Thus, Warren Buffet believes that it is extremely crucial to be able to “watch your basket” or your stocks closely to better understand the stock market. For example, when the stock market is going down, it is the best way to start buying stocks because businesses will be selling at a discount.

Why should I be interested in this post?

One would be interested to read this post because it introduces the basics of investing in stock markets for an average person who has little knowledge in investments or for a student studying business. As a student, it is crucial and important to be able to have at least a general idea of the basic rules of investments and especially those stated by one of the most famous investors in the world such as Mr. Warren Buffet. Whether you are interested in buying stocks yourself or whether you are not, as a business student, you might be asked about investments and the financial market one time in your life and knowing some useful information about investments will be impressive for you. It will allow you to understand the bigger picture of financial markets, give some recommendations for your family and friends, and help you invest yourself in the safest and most successful way.

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Useful resources

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About the author

The article was written in May 2022 by Rayan AKKAWI (ESSEC Business School, Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), 2021-2022).