My professional experience as B2B Project assistant manager at Dance

My professional experience as B2B Project assistant manager at Dance


In this article, Theo SCHWERTLE (Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics, Bachelor in International Business, 2023) shares his experience as a B2B Project assistant manager at Dance which is a start-up in urban mobility.

About the company

Dance is a progressive company that is reshaping urban mobility by providing an electric mobility subscription service. The company offers members the freedom to explore their city with an electric bike or moped, with maintenance and repairs included in the membership. Founded by the creators of SoundCloud and Jimdo, Dance is currently operating in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, and Paris, with a focus on making urban commuting more connected, convenient, and environmentally friendly.

Logo of the company.
Logo of Dance
Source: Dance.

My internship

As part of the Dance for Business department, I was privileged to contribute to various crucial aspects of the business, including the development and standardization of Business-to-Business (B2B) playbooks for client outreach, engagement, and account management. I also had the opportunity to manage the company pipeline using our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, conduct competitive market research, and collaborate with cross-functional teams to execute lead generation strategies and client retention initiatives.

My missions

My mission at Dance was multifaceted, encompassing both client relationship management and sales strategy. I was responsible for creating and developing B2B pitch decks, preparing and supporting pitch meetings with new clients, and building long-term relationships with our clients to provide the best service possible. Serve as the first point of contact for all B2B clients, but also to find new strategies to acquire more customers. Furthermore, we were making Partnership deals with other service providers to spread the word about the mobility solution that Dance offers.

Required skills and knowledge

This role required strong interpersonal skills for building and maintaining client relationships, as well as proficiency in using CRM tools to manage the company pipeline. It also called for a solid understanding of sales strategies and market research methodologies. Since we were only a small team, communication and constant prioritization of tasks was paramount. Interpersonal skills have strongly increased during that time since I was constantly pitching to the management of firms like AboutYou or Inditex while also taking care of our current clients.

What I learned

Project Management: In preparing B2B pitch decks and supporting pitch meetings, you would have honed your project management and organization skills.

Communication: Being the first point of contact for all B2B clients and building long-term relationships with them would have strengthened your communication and interpersonal skills.

Strategic Thinking: Conducting competitive market research and collaborating on lead generation strategies likely helped develop your strategic thinking and market analysis abilities.

Problem Solving: Proposing solutions in line with business objectives and incorporating new initiatives shows your problem-solving capabilities.

Financial concepts related my internship

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) refers to the total expenses a company incurs to convince a potential customer to purchase its product or service. It includes costs related to marketing and sales efforts and is a key metric for determining the return on investment for acquisition strategies.

Contribution Margin

Contribution Margin is a financial metric that calculates the profitability for individual items sold by a company. It is determined by subtracting the variable costs (costs that change with the amount of goods or services produced) associated with a product from the revenue generated by that product.

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is a projection of the total net profit a company expects to earn from a customer throughout the business relationship. It takes into account the revenue a customer would generate, the costs of acquiring and serving the customer, and the duration of the relationship with the customer.

Why should I be interested in this post?

If you’re looking to gain insights into the world of business operations or contemplating a career in a similar industry, this post should be of high interest to you. The financial concepts discussed here form the backbone of many successful businesses. Understanding these concepts can help you view business operations from a new perspective, providing you with a solid base for making informed decisions.

Furthermore, sharing my experience at Dance provides an insider’s perspective into how the start-up operates and how different roles contribute to its success.

My experience at Dance was nothing short of enriching. With the right blend of motivation, attention to detail, and focus on business objectives, I was able to contribute effectively to the company’s success. I hope my insights will inspire and guide those looking to embark on a similar professional journey.

Related posts on the SimTrade blog

   ▶ All posts about Professional experiences

   ▶ Jayna MELWANI My professional experience as a Global Development and Learning Intern at Danone

Useful resources


About the author

The article was written in May 2023 by Theo SCHWERTLE (Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics, Bachelor in International Business, 2018-2023).

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