My internship experience as a junior consultant at ZEBOX

My internship experience junior consultant at ZEBOX

Pranay KUMAR

In this article, Pranay KUMAR (ESSEC Business School, Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), 2022-2023) shares his professional experience as junior consultant at ZEBOX.

About the company

ZEBOX is an innovation and start-up accelerator program launched by CMA CGM, one of the world’s leading shipping and logistics companies. ZEBOX’s mission is to support start-ups and entrepreneurs in developing new technologies and business models to improve the global supply chain.

Logo of ZEBOX.
Logo of ZEBOX
Source: the company.

As a department of CMA CGM, ZEBOX has access to vast resources and expertise in the shipping and logistics industry, which allows it to provide valuable guidance and support to start-ups in this sector. The program has a global reach and is headquartered in Marseille, France.

My internship

During my internship at ZEBOX, I worked a Junior Consultant

My missions

As a Junior Consultant at ZEBOX, my primary mission was to analyze economic and demographic data from over 10 Asia-Pacific countries to guide ZEBOX’s market expansion efforts. Specifically, I was tasked with developing a comprehensive 3-year plan for ZEBOX’s expansion in the APAC region, covering strategic planning, go-to-market approaches, and market positioning using tools such as Porter’s five forces.

Required skills and knowledge

To succeed in my internship, I needed to have a strong understanding of economics, finance, and strategic management. Additionally, I needed to have excellent analytical and communication skills, as I was responsible for gathering and analyzing data on market trends, the competitive landscape, and consumer behavior in various countries, and presenting my findings and recommendations to both the ZEBOX team and the ESSEC SMIB professor.

What I learned

During my time at ZEBOX, I learned a great deal about how to conduct market research and analysis, as well as how to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. I also gained a deeper understanding of the shipping and logistics industry and the challenges faced by start-ups looking to innovate within this sector. Finally, I developed valuable skills in project management, data analysis, and communication that will serve me well in my future career.

Financial concepts related my internship

Market Research and Analysis

Understanding market trends, competitive landscape, and consumer behavior is essential to making informed business decisions. This involves conducting thorough research, gathering relevant data, and analyzing it to gain insights into the market.

Strategic planning

A comprehensive strategic plan is critical to achieving long-term success and achieving organizational goals.

Porter’s Five Forces

This model helps analyze the competitive forces within an industry and determine the attractiveness of entering a new market.

Why should I be interested in this post?

ESSEC students interested in finding a job in finance may find this post useful as it highlights the importance of having a strong foundation in both hard and soft skills. It also demonstrates the practical application of financial concepts such as market research and analysis, strategic planning, and Porter’s five forces in a real-world business context.

Related posts on the SimTrade blog

   ▶ All posts about Professional experiences

   ▶ Federico DE ROSSI My Internship Experience at AlixPartners in London

Useful resources

Here are some useful resources related to my professional experience:

ZEBOX website: This website provides information about the accelerator program and its activities.

CMA CGM website: This website provides information about the shipping and logistics company that launched ZEBOX.

About the author

The article was written in April 2023 by Pranay KUMAR (ESSEC Business School, Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), 2022-2023).

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