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SportShoes - Scénario B



A+ A-

SportShoes simulation   SC_SPS1B2_US_V1

Simulation scenario

The SportShoes simulation allows you to experience a day of trading in financial markets. You will be able to buy and sell shares of SportShoes.

During the simulation, you may or may not receive news alert about SportShoes, a company whose shares are traded on the SimTrade platform. Some of these news may be given to all participants (public) or only to you (private).

During the simulation, you may or may not receive receive more information about the functioning of your account. At midday, you may or may not receive a news alert about the possible sharing of your trading data (history of the orders that you sent to the market / history of your orders that were executed) with other participants.

News alerts will appear every four hours (if any) in the news ticker tape situated at the top of the Trading page as shown below.

News alert in the ticker tape

Your goal is to maximize your trading gain at the end of the simulation.

At the start of the simulation, you own an account consisting of €10,000 in cash and 100 SportShoes shares. Given yesterday’s closing price of €100, the total value of your position is €20,000.

The duration of the simulation is initially set to 10 minutes which corresponds to a 24-hour trading day.

You must complete the simulation for it to be valid for your grade.


Your grade for this simulation (100 points) takes into account the following elements:

  • Your trading performance (50 points): your relative performance, that is, the difference between your gain/loss on your position with your intervention during the simulation and the gain/loss without your intervention (as though you have not sent any order). A relative performance between 0 € and 5 000 € is expected. ☛ Computation of the points of performance

  • Your trading activity (20 points): the launch of the simulation (5 points), your determination to go to the end of the simulation (5 points) and the sending of at least one order to the market (10 points).

  • Your participation in the survey at the end of the simulation (30 points): the answers to this survey will be used for a research project on behavioral finance.


SportShoes is a large firm in the clothing and footwear industry (C&F). SportShoes operates multiple high-quality footwear stores in main cities in Europe, Canada and Latin America. Each of these stores cater sport footwear to all ages, from teenagers to senior people. SportShoes was initially a small family firm, founded in Switzerland in the early 1950s. The corporate headquarters of SportShoes are in Geneva.

Evolution of the stock price

After several decades of rapid growth, SportShoes had a successful initial public offering (IPO) in 2017. Since its introduction in the stock market, the stock price of SportShoes (code: SPS) has steadily increased from its introductory price of €40. SPS shares are quoted in Paris, Zurich, London and New York stock exchanges. SportShoes is one of the top firms in the clothing and footwear industry (C&F) in Europe.

SPS shares are currently priced at approximately €100.