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SimTrade is a trading-simulation platform available on the website In a fictitious but realistic way, the webuser can send orders to buy or sell stocks within predefined and reproducible market scenarios. The originality of SimTrade is to simulate not only orders sent by SimTraders but also the realistic behavior of other traders and the evolution of financial asset prices (SimTrade engine), webuser-traders having a direct impact on the market.
SimTrade mission is to train individuals to act freely in financial markets.
The objective of SimTrade is educational: to understand the economic phenomena through financial markets. SimTrade allows one to analyze what happened in the market during the simulation. In which conditions my order was executed in the market? Why my position is losing or winning ? Why stock prices decrease or increase ? How financial asset prices are set ? What is the influence of economic news on market prices? SimTrade brings clear and precise answers to all these questions.
SimTrade targets novices wishing to discover financial markets mechanisms (such as sending orders) and experimented traders wishing to confront their trading strategies to particular market scenarios (such as a liquidity crisis). Whatever their profile, the learning process is risk-free and detached from the current reality of financial markets.
SimTrade proposes more than a simple simulation of financial markets: a true experiment. SimTraders are going to live a firm and market scenario in an active way by trading through the scenario. From a educational point of view, SimTrade is a new way to learn about finance by confronting his/her knowledge to financial markets.
SimTrade proposes several simulation tools : Life of a trading day, Market simulations, On-line trading courses et SimTrade contests.
The simulation tool « Life of a trading day » proposes to webusers to live a trading day in financial markets.
Based on a simple scénario, the SimTrader can discover the trading platform by sending his/her first buy/sell orders to financial markets.
This first tool is used as a teaser for webusers wha arrive for the first time on the website. It is in free access, any webuser can launch a simulation whithout registering on SimTrade.
The tool « Market simulations » proposes to SimTraders a set of simulations à la carte that he/she can choose (trading on demand or TOD).
This second tool is intended for users interested in trading. It allows them to learn how to intervene in financial markets to test their trading strategies under different market conditions and understand the functioning and reactions of financial markets. Scenarios à la carte are classified by themes: "Intervening in markets" "Understanding the functioning of markets" "The GreenCar company", etc.. Each theme contains several scenarios. Some scenarios may have a pedagogical orientation, others a more playful.
Simulations à la carte are in restricted access. The SimTrader must have been previously registered on SimTrade and have filled his/her profile (e-mail address, name and surname). He/she has to identify with his/her access codes (the e-mail address that serves as identifier and password). The list of simulations à la carte accessible by SimTraders grows gradually with the experience to allow educational progress.
The simulation tool « On-line trading courses » proposes to SimTrade students different simulations launched by professors.
This third tool - the most pedagogical - targets students and professors. For professors, the tool tool allows them to use innovative pedagogy in direct link with the subject. For students, the tool allows them to learn and benefit from the help of a teacher. The teacher starts the simulation taking place simultaneously for all students in the course. The professor can intevene during the simulation to give explanations and advice. For some scenarios, SimTrade students can interact during the same simulation, that is to say to trade among themselves.
On-line trading courses are in restricted access. The SimTrader student must have been previously registered on SimTrade and have filled his/her profile (e-mail address, name and surname). He/she has to identify with his/her access codes (the e-mail address that serves as identifier and password) and the course code given by the professor to access to the section reserved to the course. The status of professor is given by SimTrade on request.
The simulation tool « SimTrade contests » proposes to SimTraders to compete among each other.
SimTrade contests are in restricted access. The SimTrader must have been previously registered on SimTrade and have filled his/her profile (e-mail address, name and surname). He/she has to identify with his/her access codes (the e-mail address that serves as identifier and password).