François Longin is a professor of finance at ESSEC Business School. He pursues a career in the banking and financial by associating consulting, research and training. He advises financial institutions for their risk management and firms for their financial management. His research works are mainly related to extreme events in finance and to their applications for trading rooms and fund management firms. Know more:
For the
SimTrade project, François Longin is in charge of financial modeling. He develops the simulation engine (price processes, trading strategies, market micro-structure...) by relying on his research works in financial markets.
Patrick Ségalou is the IT manager of the SimTrade project. Beyond the management of IT projects, he carries out consulting missions for clients. He worked for many years in the real estate sector. Since a few years, he has been working for the financial industry.
For more details:
Patrick Ségalou
For the
SimTrade project, Patrick Ségalou is in charge of the development of the application. With his developers team, he designs and implements technical solutions for realistic simulations.