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SimTrade mini certificate

Discover financial markets

Access to the certificate
This certificate is closed.

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Presentation of the SimTrade mini certificate


This mini certificate about financial markets is reserved for candidates in India for the ESSEC Grande Ecole program.

How to register to the SimTrade mini certificate

In order to register to the SimTrade mini certificate, you need to create an account on SimTrade with your e-mail address.


The objective of the SimTrade mini certificate is to discover financial markets.

The SimTrade mini certificate is composed of courses, simulations, a contest and a case study. It gives you a pedagogical and playful approach to discover financial markets.

At the end of this SimTrade mini certificate, each participant must master the following points:

  • Explain the evolution of the market: order book, prices and transaction volumes

  • Send orders to the market

  • Choose the type of order (market, limit price, etc.) best suited to your needs

  • Analyze the impact of certain events on the stock market price

Pedagogical dynamics

This SimTrade mini certificate gives you great freedom to learn: you can start with theory in courses or with practice in simulations.

The SimTrade mini certificate starts on Saturday 01 February 2020 and finishes on Friday 28 February 2020.


The courses and simulations of this SimTrade mini certificate cover the following topics:

  • Organization of financial markets

  • Evolution of stock market prices

  • Market efficiency

  • News and market expectation

Terms of the SimTrade mini certificate

The SimTrade mini certificate includes individual on-line work: take courses, launch simulations.

  • With courses, you will access to knowledge validated by on-line MCQ tests.

  • With simulations, you will acquire skills evaluated on the basis of your market activity.

You will interact with other participants and the pedagogical team through case studies (peer grading) and discussions forum to ask questions and leave comments.

Training time

The time to spend on the SimTrade mini certificate (courses, simulations, contest and case study) is estimated to 8 hours.

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About the author of the certificate

Professor François Longin
ESSEC Business School

« The ambition of this SimTrade mini certificate is to make you discover financial markets both in practice and in theory. »

Access to the certificate